Monday, 21 March 2016

9th March - Stop Start Stop Start - Can I get off this merry go round yet?

Here we go here we go here we... uh oh, no we don't. So I went to my last day of work today, bracing myself for tomorrow. NEK MINUT (the young one's will get that terminology) my mobile rings and it's my lovely surgeon on the phone. Yesterday I had a fine needle biopsy on a lump in my neck that had popped up over the weekend. My surgeon had organised this as a matter of urgency following my visit with him on Monday so he'd have the results before going into surgery tomorrow. Unfortunately he wont get the results till late this afternoon and those results can potentially change the correct course of treatment. There are three reasons that these nodes can be inflamed and enlarged. 1. they are pissed off from the original surgery 2. they are pissed off because I had a cold and I was also on antibiotics for a possible infection in the breast 3. There could be cancer cells in the nodes. If there are cancer cells in the nodes, then the course of treatment has to change to chemo first surgery second. If we do surgery first and by chance I get an infection in the wound, it would delay the start of chemo. My doctor doesnt want to rush and make the wrong decision for me and my treatment. So we will see him on Friday morning, go through the results and plan treatment from there. If the glands are just generally pissed off, then I will be booked in for surgery on the following Thursday (17th) While its a delay, and they can always be frustrating, I agree its the best decision for me. I knew when I found a lump in my neck that one of the causes could be cancer. I went with the idea that it was a combination of the cold and the previous surgery, but I'm not going to lie, I cried the whole way to work this morning worried that the cancer had progressed further. So many questions were going through my head, the main one being, am I going to survive this, if this is how fast this thing is moving. Trying to stay rational only works most of the time, and sometimes the bad stuff creeps into the brain. THIS WAY, I will once again, be informed and be prepared and if as we hope the biopsy is clear, I can go into surgery with a calmer mind. Stay tuned folks, this journey has more twists and turns than a Home and Away episode. STONE THE FLAMIN CROWS!

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