Its All About Meeeeeee

Would The Real Donna Fischer Please Stand Up 

So who is the chick tapping at the keyboard, thinking that what she has to say may be remotely interesting?

Well by day, I am a part time medical receptionist and part time business owner and consultant for my hubby and our building business.

By night, I'm one of those annoying admins on a local equestrian buy swap and sell and manage a Facebook group of around 2000 members. (and maybe spend a little time catching up on the family business work I don't always get done during the day.

The remainder of time is taken up being mum to our two adult kids and their respective partners, and President of a social horse trail riding club (did I mention that I can't ride a horse! Go figure)

I love arty stuff, I love putting colours and textures together, I love the KISS theory (Keep It Simple S.......) and I love discovering new ideas be it products, designs or technology.

I had a country upbringing before moving to city and back to country. I think that grounds a person. I'm not logical. I am empathetic. You cry, I cry. I love my girlfriends and the support they give me. I love my family and the support they give me.

So you see, I'm a lady with many hats and quite a bit of life experience. I think this helps me relate to the various people who work through the door of my life. At least I hope so anyway.

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