Monday, 21 March 2016

24th January 2016 - My Treasures

My little treasures. This is my happy place with these two. We had the rare event of having both of them together at the same time yesterday. So safe to say I may have taken one or two photos of our precious grandson and grand daughter. ♡♡♡ Only 1 week and 4 days till surgery day. Woohoo. Can't come soon enough. I'm mentally strong and ready for this. It's a little surreal going to work and doing normal activities and then every now and then someone will ask how I'm doing and I think "Oh right, I have breast cancer". I have no symptoms instead of a bump so it's a tad weird to think there is actually something so wrong with me, but yet I'm exactly the same as the day before I found the lump. Just plain weird.

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