Monday, 21 March 2016

18th February 2016 - Surgical Review day ... AKA ... The Results!

Well, didn't see that one coming. I'm two weeks post op and was looking forward to saying how well I was doing, and that I'd been for my surgical check up and it was all good and nodes were clear and they got it all and this is my treatment plan...... WRONG! All nodes came back positive. Margins not wide enough to clear me of a microscopic crappy little cancer cell not hiding somewhere in the breast tissue. Okay I thought, so more surgery. Full axillary clearance.. okay I can deal with that. Not happy Jan but not the end of the world. And a mastectomy... huh???!!! What ???!!!! Okay... I was NOT prepared for that. I thought he'd say, we'll re excise the area, not chop the whole bloody thing off (I'm a size DD and there's plenty to work with) So, that sat me back on my butt a bit and I may have lost my you know what in the office. Problem was, I was speaking to one of the younger intern type doctors and not my main surgeon who's away on holidays till next week. While this young fellow was confident in what he was saying, he also looked about 12. And I shouldn't judge, but I just didn't feel as confident with him as I could have. AND I hadn't researched mastectomies (because I wasn't having one of those) and so I didn't know to ask if it was a partial, a simple, or a radical mastectomy. So my wonderful boss (who is my wonderful Doctor) is going to call him on Monday to discuss the options and whether a more conservative approach can be taken. The first thing that came out of my mouth when he said the mastectomy word was "should it be a double mastectomy to be sure". So obviously my gut feeling is that this may have to be the way to go. He suggested just concentrating on the diseased one and so we left it at that. So my Pollyanna hat is slipping to one side... and I have to give myself a little bit of time to adjust... gather myself and get ready for apparently urgent surgery On March 10th. Look's like my big girl undies need to be pulled up a little higher and my cowgirl boots laced a little tighter.

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