Monday, 21 March 2016

11th February 2016 - 1 Week Post Op! **Warning another surgical photo

1 Week Post Op!!! WOOT and today was extra special because the dressings came off!! Extra woot!!!! I have to say, I'm so pleased with the job that was done. I had seen photos of this procedure with the incision done in a horizontal manner. Obviously, no two surgeries are the same. I'm having some irritation between the armpit and the elbow (more towards the armpit) a bit like chaffing. I think its more nerve related and the tendon in the armpit towards the shoulder blade is soreish, but no swelling or engorged feelings to suggest issues with the lymph glands so yay!. Rick and I have decided to go for a drive tomorrow and have a day to ourselves before I get back to work on Monday and start further treatment in the next few weeks. My surgical review is next Thursday (not Wed as I had previously thought). I'm also being a bit naughty today and have just decided to give the surgical bra a rest today and wear an ahh bra (the ladies will know what i mean) and a firm fitting singlet top. My back and shoulder muscles have been so tight from being held in place with the bra, that I had mum give me a bit of a massage with the good old horse liniment and I'll take it easy today to protect the now uncovered wounds. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow's trip. Bet we find a bit of dirt road somewhere to explore

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