Monday, 21 March 2016

11th January 2016 Update We Have A Plan

Okay, so we have a plan in place. After losing my shit this morning and feeling very angry and frustrated I got to work and we were able to get an urgent appointment with the local booby specialist due to a cancellation at the end of his clinic at the hospital. I feel so much calmer now. I feel more in control. I don't do this patient thing very well. I'm used to being in control and sorting things out for others. Not the other way around. So this is the plan. I will have a wide excision around the cancer area. Firstly, to be absolutely accurate on the morning of the surgery they will insert a guide wire that will basically be "X marks the spot" Then surgery will be later in the afternoon. They'll remove a good margin around the cancer site, and they will also remove the sentinel nodes. This is a new way of dealing with the lymph glands to avoid the complications seen when they've been removed in the past. They've found out that the cancer cells have to pass through several lines of the defense and the first line is these little sentinel dudes. So by removing them they can determine if there is any cancer in them and if not, then the cancer cant be further up. So we're all sweet. I'll have an overnight stay (gee i better invest in some pajamas) and then home the next day. Pathology comes back after 1 to 2 weeks and then radium treatment begins. I also have a chat tomorrow to my breast cancer nurse. That will also help improve my coping techniques which probably not include pitching the soap across the room and just missing the mirror. smile emoticon Onward and upward!

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