Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Twas the night before chemo and all through the house,
My hair was dropping everywhere, falling quietly as a mouse.

But big "SO THERE" to Mr Oncologist who said I'd only have 10% by today... I still have about half. Thank god for thick thick hair. Here's my trick. Don't brush it, don't comb it, be gently when playing with scarves and beanies... and for the love of god DON'T SHAMPOO IT!  Did that on Monday, and well lets just say it was coming out faster than last week's favourite at Randwick.

We saw my oncologist last Friday who was happy with my progress and was confident that the swelling in the my neck has reduced to virtually nothing. I check in with him again in a month.

Tomorrow is chemo day. That's come around quick. I am not as anxious as I thought I would be. Probably because I feel better prepared and will know what to expect this time. I've got some extra meds to help out, and given that chemo is in the afternoon, I'm hoping I'll sleep through the worst part of the first day. Then, all going well, I have an appointment with the wig library on Thursday. Thinking I'll stick with brunette. While the blonde looked nice.. it's just not me.

So like the dandelion, I think I'm prepared for when my hair finally goes "poof" in a good breeze. People have said just clipper it off, and I have to admit that having hair literally falling, and walking around feeling like I've just had my hair cut and the hairdresser has forgotten to brush off the ends, I am going to be a long time without my hair. It's the last part of feeling normal. So despite leaving my winter coat all over the house, the bath towels and the pillows... I'll just hang on to that last little bit of the old me thanks. For now, anyway :)

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