Friday, 1 April 2016

Chemo cocktail....... Ladies Night out Cocktails..... Same consequence

Well Wednesday morning I was superwomen. I was strong, determined and ready to take on the world and this Chemo cocktail. Then, like after a bad night at the local on "ladies drink free night" I was a mess minus the "I love you guys"! But thankfully with my shoes, my undies and most of my dignity intact.

We arrived at the clinic to be greeted by Sarah, my lovely nurse who was to hook me up to the machines. She ran through the different procedures, explained exactly what she was doing, we chatted about all and sundry, the lovely Cancer Council volunteer lady brought us coffees and biscuits and before I knew it we were underway. First one (the red devil as its known) went through no dramas. Thank god for the port in my chest/shoulder. No discomfort whatsoever, so thank you medical oncologist for insisting that be inserted. The second drug however, did make me feel a bit weird, warm flush, weird in the head (Rick found that amusing) so they slowed it down to take the full hour to run through. Got through all that, came home armed with all my meds, had lunch thought this is good, I got this.... and then.... it went down hill.

Let's just say, the Maxolon might help a bit of a belly bug, but it doesn't really stand up overly well to these chemo cocktails. I literally nearly passed out on the floor, couldn't get water into me, so chronic headache, couldn't eat, couldn't shower because I couldn't stand up, so I was bundled to bed and there Rick sat waiting for me to finally fall asleep to get through till morning when I could start the hard core anti-nausea meds. He hasn't left my side since. I haven't been able to drive since the port a cath was put in a bit over a week ago. He helps shower and dress me when I can't, he's doing all the cooking and cleaning. I could not do this without him beside me all the way. Thankfully the supercharged anti nausea meds got me through yesterday. I was still fragile, not much appetite to speak of, but at least I could drink water, so the headache was duller and Rick looked a bit more relieved.

Kiah came down and gave me my injection to hopefully supplement my white cell count through the next 20 days. It won't turn me into superwoman, but hopefully will keep me out of hospital due to any sort of infection or bug. I still won't be able to go to any shops, be around sick people etc, but with a bit of luck it will keep me well if I'm sensible. Generally this injection causes ache in the bigger bones, so legs and hips, as the bone marrow goes into overdrive building me some new cells, but the gods must have been kind and I didn't get that last night. So there's my positive for today :)  I did find out why they say to be careful of the sun yesterday, I went down by the dam for a cup of tea and ginger nut biscuit (my new friend because I can't stand straight ginger) and after 15 minutes I was already sunburnt sitting in full shade. I'll make sure I increase sun safety measures because I believe in the benefits of being in fresh air.

I'm so looking forward to next week. NO APPOINTMENTS! I don't drive into that hospital or clinic till the 15th when I visit with my Medical Oncologist (by which time my hair should have started to thin/fall out) then next blood test 19th and then next treatment 20th April. I've received so many messages from people who know of me through mutual friends and family that I feel so blessed and loved. I've said all the way through this, if cancer could be cured through love and kindness, there'd be no cancer.

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