Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Quicky update.

This morning, while waiting on the phone with centrelink for over two hours, I started to update the blog and let you know how I was fairing. This time round hasn't been easy, the emotional side has gotten to me and I have found myself in unfamiliar territory with no smile, but I am getting to the other side. I am not bouncing back as I'd like. I'm still very exhausted, very disoriented due to the weird buzzing feeling in my head, and I've lost all the weight again plus a little more. However, I will put one foot in front of the other, and I will as always, try to put my best foot forward.

But after my two hours on the phone with centrelink, to find out what has been happening with my claim lodged mid March and explaining the difficulties we were facing after trying to go it alone, and them promising to fast track my claim, I am still waiting to be assessed, and I'm in no mood to finish the writing I started. I'm done and I am beyond exhausted. Thankfully we have the support of our families through this bit. But it seems that because we have worked all our lives, we've been self employed, and did the worst thing possible by having a small family trust in place, we have made it very difficult to have my claim assessed. It seems that paying our taxes, being good people, and trying to do things for ourselves and the community, is not that way to go. And despite being told by various people in the government departments I've spoken with that the claim is being finalised twice now, it is not. The family trust has been assessed, now I have to wait for the assessment team to finalise the actual claim.
Well, I've technically done most of these!

So it seems that the way to get help in Australia now, is to be unemployed, to do nothing to better yourself, to certainly not try and support your family and your community and god forbid you try to earn a living along the way. Then when life goes in a different direction, and times get tough and you tighten your belt, try to live without what other people would consider necessities such as insurances, so that you can keep on trying to work, it's all for nought. While the people I have spoken to on the phone have been kind and have tried, it seems the protocols they must follow do not recognise those who have put in the hard yards in life. I actually feel for those people who work on the phones for centrelink. It has to be a thankless job. But I fear for the future of a country who rewards those who won't help themselves, and discriminates against those who actually give a flying f&@K.

As you can therefore imagine, I'm not in the best frame of mind to be writing flippant and funny comments. We are being looked after by our family and we'll get there. I may have lost my smile, but it will be back. However, my inner bitch has made a big return.

But I can't leave this update, without some smart comment on today :)

QUICK EDIT - got a phone call to say this afternoon the claim is all finalised and approved. Thank god.... my smile is coming back :)

Just when you think it can't get any worse... Along comes someone to prove you wrong...:

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