Thursday, 21 April 2016

Going Going GONE!

When you have to start using one of these to get rid of the hairs off the pillow and sheets, the lounge, and any where else you've sat..... well it starts to get bloody annoying. I was constantly feeling like I'd walked out of the hairdressers with a prickly neck, and then the chemo nurse yesterday couldn't believe how much hair I dropped just sitting in the chair after three or so hours. THEN the look on the ladies faces at the wig library this morning after trying on 4 different wigs and leaving hair absolutely everywhere... well it was obvious that it was time. I came home, took off the scarf and all I could see was dead lifeless hair and a couple of sneaky thinning spots. So, It was time to face the reality that my hair no longer looked healthy, was more annoying than a cat shedding and it just needed to go!

Rick decided he wanted to do the job for me.... and while he started off fine, he did seem to be enjoying himself way too much. So I found a job for him that needed doing outside, and Kiah took over to finish it off. I was somewhat pleased (as much as one can be when trying to do a GI Jane impersonation) that I have a reasonable shaped scalp. But I do have a cold scalp now, so its beanies at night, scarves and hats and wigs during the day. Rick keeps grinning at me and telling me how beautiful I am (bless his little cotton socks. I'm having my revenge tomorrow as he seriously needs a haircut and is refusing to use a hairdresser) Michael tells me I look like I have a koala's butt (we told him that's what his hair looked like ever since he was a little kid) And Kiah is just loving the shape of my head. So everyone's pretty happy... I'll get there, but will be content with hats, scarves, beanies and wigs in the meantime.

So here's how it all went down.... so to speak.

My new fashion accessory, Wiggy the wig.

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