Friday, 23 December 2016

It's Christmas Eve Eve!!!!

Twas the morning before the night before the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring... except Donna who was up at Stupid O'clock, because she's now in some sort of chemo induced menopause and apparently sleeping isn't required, and hot flashes make Summer just that more delightful .... sigh.  But it's Christmas Eve Eve!!! One of my most favourite times of year. Kids are driving the parents NUTS because the smell of wrapping paper and tinsel is so very very close, parents are losing their you know what, because despite all that planning, Mum just realised that she forgot the fresh cream for the pav, Dad's just realised that he didn't stash extra AA batteries in the shed for he kid's presents like he thought, Grandma and Grandad need to get just one more present for their precious Grandbabies, and everyone is nuts because... well because we just tend to drive ourselves that direction because so much emphasis is put on just one day.

This year for me, my fruit is still in a rum stupour in the old tupperware lettuce holder waiting me to get my butt into gear and turn it into Mrs Fanning's Light Fruitcake (or Aunty Al's dark fruitcake, depending on what ingredients I remembered to buy and stick in the pantry) - side note, Mrs Fanning was the neighbour of my Nan in Biggenden. I don't remember much about her. I do remember Mrs Fanning's fruitcake recipe! I am so not organised, but at the same time, I'm a bit "well, it'll all happen on the day" Note to self, I think I'm going to run out of dog biscuits. Pick some up after the meeting today.

So, where am I at today? Well, I'm a bit all over the place truthfully. This time last year, our grandson was put back into hospital, less than a week old. He'd tested positive to a virus that had to be checked and monitored. We'd decided not to share that with the extended family till we had more information and knew he was okay. Mr Jimmy Giggle turned one last week, and is powering ahead. This time last year, I found a lump in my breast. I decided not to share that with the family till we had more information, and I knew that most times, lumps in the breast were nothing more than cysts or fibrous tissue.  That worked out well. But the battle was fought, the journey was travelled and now, I'm getting ready to head back to work.

Yesterday was my checkup with Dr Mitra (my chemo oncologist) and final specialist appointment for 2016 YAY ME! We discussed a variety of symptoms I've been experiencing, and like I've done in the past, I baffled him. Nothing major, just a few annoying symptoms that can't really be attributed to anything. So we're just going with me being weird. If you think about what my body has endured, and the cocktails of chemicals and that the human body is so individual, it's normal that each of us recover in various ways. But at the end of the day, he was relatively happy and we discussed the next part which is waiting. Triple Negative breast cancer has a higher recurrence in the first 2 - 3 years. So I have to be vigilant for symptoms. Watch if anything needs pain relief persistently. Be vigilant with my health and my weight. (as of yesterday I'm now 68.3 kilos - about 10 kilos down from the start of this lovely adventure) Goal weight will be 65 kilos. So nearly there. Down side is no work clothes fit. So I've been spotted at nearly every op shop between Hervey Bay and Kenilworth. I love the op shop at Imbil. It's so well laid out and clean. The one at Kenilworth is... well an adventure itself but man did I score myself a bargain there.  A gorgeous dress by an aussie designed for $5!!!! I've heard there is a particularly good one in Maryborough. I'll be heading there shortly!

So how does one stop one's brain from exploding while we tick off the months for the next few years. Well that's simple really, One puts her hand up to help organise a 2-3 day event for the Fraser Coast with a budget of about $400 000. (remind me that I used the word simple when we're a week out and I'm pulling my hair out trying to co ordinate 100 trade stall holders, demonstrators, horses, cattle, donkeys, alpacas, goats, kids, bull riders, cowboys and their utes, muso's and the general public).

What have I gotten myself into?? Glad you asked :)  My friend Natasha had an idea to do an equestrian expo on the Fraser Coast. I've had a hankering for a decent country music concert on the Fraser Coast. We had a few coffees about it, and we've attended a few equestrian expos, and we decided to broaden it to what has become the Coastal Country Lifestyle Muster. (Name shortened to CCLM or something else. We admit it's a bit of a mouthful) So basically what it is, is showcasing our gorgeous Fraser Coast lifestyle of acreage living. Hobby farming, growing your own food, eating your own food, learning to be kind to the flora and soil we are trying to grow our food bowls in and generally being self sufficient. Just for kicks, and to give all members of the family something to enjoy, we're kicking off with a bull riding rodeo on the Friday night. Then Saturday it's all systems go with displays on gardening, equestrian displays, lots and lots of trade stalls covering all areas of the lifestyle we are showcasing, kids activities including their own little concert and then a family concert into the afternoon. There'll also be a good old fashioned Ute Muster for the boys at the same time. Everyone one loves a good bushy ute! Sunday (probably known as hangover day) will continue on with displays, but a more laid back feel, wandering buskers, bush poets and a talent contest, all wrapped up by early afternoon. Are you exhausted yet??? I am hah!. We've had good feedback from the entities in the area that deal with these types of events, and had a meeting with the mayor this week who is very excited and offering their support and backing for our event. Our mentor who runs the showgrounds said at the last meeting that she gets goosebumps when she thinks about what we have planned. My response was that I have nightmares LOL.  So why am I doing this. Because I love our area, I believe we need to get back to our Nan's backyards of chooks veggies and the old lemon tree. (though I remember Nan's mulberry tree, not so much the lemon one) and I believe we NEED to get our kids back to this lifestyle and away from computers and virtual reality games. They need to feel dirt, they need to fall over and scrape their knees and we ALL need to get back to basics and learn to feed ourselves. And I NEED to have a focus and a goal that takes up a good portion of my brain. I will not sit and worry for the next 2 - 3 years that things will go pear shaped. No doubt I will have the odd moment. But I need to live, not wait. So that's what I will do.

Now, I need to go find the rum. That Christmas Cake will not cook itself.

Happy Christmas everyone xxx

P.S. Until the website is up and running - check out CCLM on facebook -