Friday, 8 August 2014

There's Been Movement at the Station.......

For the word had got around.. Donna wants to moooooove!!!!

We're finally underway. Albeit a bit stop start but the clients must come first so I'm re-learning my patience skills.  Anyhoo, the slab is down. Both the main slab for the shed and the awning slab. Posts are in to support said awning. Now its time to order the timber for the frame. We're opting to construct the frame ourselves, or also known as a "stick frame"  That way we can plod along at our own pace and not have prefab frames sitting exposed to the elements given that our place will be worked on during weekends. So here's a little preview of whats been happening so far.

Main slab put to bed with plastic gift wrapping :) This slab is for a Class 1a building because we have set it up suitable for a habitable room   i.e Shed or Granny Flat. This sort of slab requires stiffening beams and is set up as though it was a normal dwelling, therefore will look different at this stage, to a standard shed slab that wont have habitable rooms.

Aaaaaand we have a slab.

Like my work boots???  I think we need a little rain.

Stage 2 boxing for the awning slab. This one has no beams in it because its not set up for habitable rooms. However it does have a thickening beam around the perimeter because the engineers say so. 

All hands on deck. Rick was "chute boy" The posts had to be in place before the concrete could be poured (see the big uprights at the front) This is to ensure that the shed has the correct bracing. Good thing those clouds went around. It did make the concrete supplier a bit nervous, but twas all good.

TADA!!!!!!! we have a slab. Now get that timber ordered Rick!!!!!